Recruiters probably receive 100 emails daily.

Then, how to write an email to a recruiter, stand out in the inbox, and get the opportunity for an interview?

That is exactly what we prepared for you in this article!

We will go through 10 tips on how to write this email properly, along with the templates that you can use.

Let’s dive in!

When Can You Reach Out To A Recruiter?

You can contact the recruiter:

✅As soon as you see the job opening ad

✅Before the advertisement is published

Reaching out to the recruiter before the advertisement is placed has more benefits, because that way you can stay top-of-mind when a position does open up.

If you do it when you see the advertisement, reach out to express your interest in the specific role and submit your application.

Why Is It Important to Write an Email to a Recruiter?

It is important because it can significantly impact your chances of getting a job.

Here are other reasons why crafting an ideal email to a recruiter is crucial:

✅It serves as your first impression to the recruiter

✅A good email shows your communication skills, which are often critical for many roles

✅You can highlight your talents and explain why you are the ideal candidate for the position

✅It can help you stand out from other applicants

10 Tips To Write An Email To A Recruiter 

Let’s go through 10 tips that can help you craft a perfect email to a recruiter!

Tip 1: Keep It Clear and Concise ✅

For your message to be clear and easy to understand, you should make it so from the very beginning.

Pay attention to your subject line and ensure that it communicates your email's purpose.

In this type of email, you can state your current position in the subject line, with a clear message that you are contacting them about a job.

Why would you list the name of your current position?

It spares the recruiter's time when reading through emails from the job applicants because they can immediately see whether you are a good fit for the role.

📜Example of a subject line with the name of the position #1:

“Marketing Manager Seeking New Opportunities – Interested in [Name of the Position]”

📜Example of a subject line with the name of the position #2:

“Experienced Sales Director Applying for Sales Lead Position at [Company Name]”


TextCortex's Zeno Chat feature can help you create a clear and concise subject line!

Give it a prompt explaining how many examples you want and for which type of email you need a subject line.

You will receive recommendations in a few seconds! 👇


Tip 2: Personalize If Possible ✅

You should personalize your message as much as possible because it can improve your chances of getting the job.

Let’s say that you recently met the person you are emailing.

In that case, you should remind them of that.


"Dear Mr. Smith,

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference last week.

I enjoyed our conversation about digital marketing trends, and I am very interested in the Marketing Manager position at your company."

Also, if you know the person personally, it's a good idea to write in that person's tone.

If this is not the case, then it is enough to address the recipient by their name.

📜Example of personalized email when you personally know the recipient:

 "Dear John,

It was great reconnecting with you at the reunion last weekend.

I enjoyed catching up and hearing about your work in tech innovation.

Our conversation reignited my interest in joining your company, and I am excited about the Software Developer position you mentioned.”

📜Example of personalized email when you are writing to someone you don’t know:

"Dear Ms. Eva,

I hope you are having a great day.

My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name].”


When it comes to personalizing messages, look no further than TextCortex!

With it, you can create a persona and it will write and sound just like you.

What is particularly useful is that you can create it so that it matches the tone of the person you are writing to.

How to do that?

Provide text samples and background info and TextCortex will create your digital twin.

You can also simply choose one of the pre-created personas 👇

Tip 3: Mention Where Did You Find Their Contact Info ✅

If you don’t personally know the recruiter you are writing to, it is perfectly fine to explain how you got their contact information.

Whether it is your friend and employee of their company, LinkedIn profile, or job posting- whatever it is, you should mention it.

This way, you can create a feeling of familiarity and improve chances of them considering your application.

📜Example of an email when you got contact information from a company employee:

"Dear Ms. Eva,

I hope this message finds you well.

My name is [Your Name], and I was referred to you by [Employee Name], who is currently a [Job Title] at [Company Name] [Employee Name], and who spoke highly of your team and mentioned that you are looking for a Project Manager.”

📜Example of an email when you found contact information on LinkedIn:

"Dear Mr. Archibald,

I hope your week started well.

My name is [Your Name], and I came across your profile on LinkedIn.

I am reaching out to express my interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name].”

Tip 4: Say Something About Your Experience ✅

In addition to your name, briefly state your current role and key experiences.

This approach provides the recruiter with a quick overview of your background, helping them decide if your experience aligns with the position you’re interested in.


"Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope this message finds you well.

My name is Jane Doe, and I am currently a [Your Position] at [Company Name].

With over seven years of experience in strategic marketing and team leadership, I have successfully led campaigns that increased brand visibility.

I recently came across the Marketing Director position at [Company Name] on LinkedIn and was excited by the opportunity.

My background in developing and executing marketing strategies, combined with my ability to analyze market trends, aligns well with the requirements for this role.”


TextCortex allows you to write an entire email from just 3 bullet points!

Write the 3 main messages of your email, select them, and click on the "mail" icon 👇


Tip 5: Highlight Your Qualifications ✅

Align your qualifications with the job requirements and show how your background makes you a great fit for the role.

You shouldn’t write your entire history but emphasize those qualifications that you think will help the recruiter see that you are the right choice.

📜Example of when the required qualifications are listed in the job posting:

"Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope your day has been pleasant.

My name is Gabriel Anderson, and I am a [Your Position] at [Company Name] with a Master's degree in Data Science.

I saw your job ad on LinkedIn and am excited about the Data Analyst position at [Company Name].

Your job posting highlights the need for expertise in statistical analysis, data visualization, and actionable insights. At Insight Solutions, I have utilized Python, R, and SQL to analyze complex datasets and improved operational efficiency by 20%.

My experience also includes developing dashboards in Tableau that drive strategic decisions.

My strong educational background and hands-on experience make me confident that I can contribute effectively to your team.”

📜Example when there is no job posting:

"Dear Ms. Anderson,

I hope this message finds you well. 

My name is Maria Watson, and I am currently a [Your Position] at [Company Name].

with a Master's degree in Marketing from [Name of the University].

I am reaching out to inquire about potential opportunities at [Company Name].

I am particularly interested in a Marketing Manager position and believe the following qualifications are essential for this role: strategic marketing planning, digital marketing expertise, and team leadership. At [Company Name], I have successfully led multiple marketing campaigns that resulted in a 25% increase in customer engagement.

I have extensive experience in digital marketing, including SEO, social media, and content creation, which has helped grow our online presence significantly.”

📌Bonus tip

If there is no advertisement for an open position, google what qualifications are required for the position you are applying for and adapt your email to that info.

Tip 6: Express Enthusiasm ✅

Expressing enthusiasm in an email to a recruiter is vital since it shows your genuine interest in the position and the company.

You can achieve this by:

  • Using positive language and words such as "excited," "thrilled," and "passionate"
  • Being specific and mentioning specific aspects of the job or company that excite you
  • Mentioning your career goals if they align with the role

Remember, it's okay to sound enthusiastic, but you shouldn’t cross the line and sound pushy or desperate.

📜Example of how to show enthusiasm:

“I am excited to reach out to inquire about potential opportunities at [Company Name].

I am particularly interested in a Content Strategist position. I am thrilled by [Company Name] approach to content marketing and your dedication to innovative storytelling.

My career goal is to advance into a leadership role where I can make a significant impact on a company's content strategy and overall success.

I am passionate about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] continued growth and innovation.”

💡Pro tip

But how to show enthusiasm without overdoing it?

By using the TextCortex Rewriting Tool feature!

With it, you can change the tone of your writing numerous times:

  • Friendly
  • Respectful
  • Cheerful
  • Concise
  • Plus 9 more!

Write your text and click on the tone you want to use -  it is as simple as that!

Tip 7: Be Respectful ✅

The level of formality in an email depends on what kind of relationship you have with the person you are writing to.

However, respect is something you should always show, especially in written communication.

Use polite language and express appreciation for the recruiter's time and consideration.

📜Example of formal email:

"Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is John Smith. I am a Data Analyst at [Company Name] and hold a Master’s degree in Business Analytics from
[Name of the University].

I am writing to express my interest in the Business Analyst position at Visionary Enterprises. Visionary Enterprises’ dedication to leveraging data for strategic decision-making is truly inspiring.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my background and aspirations align with the needs of your team.”

📜Example of less formal email:

"Dear Ms. Davis,

I hope you’re doing great!

My name is Emily Clark, and I’m a [Your Position Name] at [Company Name] with a Master’s in Business Administration from [Name of the University].

I stumbled upon [Company Name] while researching innovative companies and was really impressed by your work in streamlining operations.

I’m reaching out to see if there might be an opportunity for someone with my background”

Tip 8: Attach Documents ✅

If you email a recruiter after seeing the ad, remember to include your CV as well.

If you contact the recruiter and the advertisement has not been posted yet, then you do not have to send your CV immediately.

You can say that you are open to further discussions and that you are ready to send all the documents they need.

📜Example for sending an email after seeing an ad:

"Dear Mr. Roberts,

I hope your week has been great so far.

My name is Sarah Johnson, and I am excited to apply for the [Position Name] position at [Company Name], which I saw advertised on LinkedIn.

I am currently a [ Position Name] at [Company Name], with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from [University Name].

Attached to this email is my CV, which details my professional experience and qualifications.

I am confident that my background and skills make me a strong candidate for this position.”

📜Example for sending an email before seeing an ad:

"Dear Ms. Davis,

I hope your week started well.

My name is Jessica Brown, and I am currently a [Position Name]  at [Company Name].

I am reaching out to express my interest in potential opportunities at [Company Name].

I have been following your company's innovative business strategies and am particularly impressed by your recent projects.

I would love to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs.

While I have not attached my CV to this initial inquiry, I am more than happy to provide any documents you may need and am open to further discussions at your convenience.

Please let me know if there is a good time for us to connect.”

Tip 9: Use a Professional Closing ✅

Finish your email with a polite closing phrase followed by your full name.

Another thing you should include in your closing is contact information.

The point is to make it easy for the recruiter to contact you, so try to provide various platforms where they can reach back to you.


“Thank you for considering my inquiry. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Emily Clark
(555) 678-9012
[email protected]

Tip 10: Proofread Your Email ✅

It is very important that you double-check your email and see whether you have missed any typos or grammatical errors.

Oversights like that can happen to everyone.

Even though they are small mistakes and might seem unimportant at first glance, they can affect how your message is received.


With TextCortex you don't have to worry about this type of error!

Select the text, click on the wrench icon, and our tool will make sure that your email is polished. 👇


Template 1 - An Email To A Recruiter When There Isn’t Job Posting

“Subject Line: Inquiry About Potential Opportunities at TechWave Solutions – Michael Reed

Dear Ms. Johnson,

I hope everything goes well.

My name is Michael Reed, and I am currently a [Position Name] at [Company Name], with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from [University Name].

I am reaching out to express my interest in potential opportunities at [Company Name].

I have been following your company's innovative projects and am particularly impressed by your cutting-edge technology implementations.

My background includes leading development initiatives that increased system efficiency by 30%, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your team.

I would love to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs.

I am more than happy to provide any documents you may need.

Could we schedule a time to connect further?

I am available at your convenience and can be reached at (555) 789-0123 or [email protected].

Thank you for considering my inquiry. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Michael Reed
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[LinkedIn profile]

Template 2 - An Email To A Recruiter When There Is A Job Posting

“Subject Line: Application for Product Manager Position – Lisa Bennett

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is Lisa Bennett, and I am excited to apply for the Product Manager position at [Company Name], which I saw advertised on your website.

I am currently a [Position Name] at [Company Name], with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering.

My skills in product lifecycle management, cross-functional team leadership, and market analysis align well with the requirements listed in your job ad.

Attached to this email is my CV, which details my professional experience and qualifications.

I am confident that my background and skills make me a strong candidate for this position.

I am very eager to discuss how my expertise can contribute to the continued success of your company.

You can reach me at (555) 123-4567 or via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Lisa Bennett
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[LinkedIn profile]
Attachment: Lisa_Bennett_CV.pdf”

Let’s Wrap It Up

Whether you send an email to a recruiter before or after seeing a job ad, I'm sure that this list of tips and templates can help you write it properly.

Regardless of your skills and experience, your first impression determines whether you will get the chance to show them.

That's why it's important to learn how to do it correctly.

No pressure, right?

Since this email is so important, it would be nice if you had some help when writing it.

That's exactly what we offer you.

Enter TextCortex! 🤖

TextCortex - Your AI Writing Assistant 🤖

TextCortex is an AI Copilot tool designed to help you with all tasks that involve writing.

With it, writing emails becomes much easier, and you can also improve your skills for creating all types of content.

These are the key features:

 🤖Zeno Chat - Zeno allows you to create content with simple prompts.

 🤖Web Search - You can also use it to search the web, YouTube, Twitter, patents, Scholar, and much more.

 🤖Knowledge base - You can create your own knowledge base where you will store all your documents or written materials.

 🤖Paraphrasing tool - Paraphrase whatever text you want, even with the file upload function.

 🤖Expanding tool - Write one sentence and expand it to a couple of paragraphs.

 🤖Snippets - Create snippet text and a shortcut, and embed it wherever you want.

 🤖Templates - Discover 60+ templates covering various job descriptions.

 🤖Documents - Upload and chat with your documents.

When you sign up, you get 100 creations and as soon as you spend them, you get 20 more every day!

You can integrate it with Gmail and write emails much more efficiently right from your browser.

Sign up today and streamline your email writing workload! 🚀