Looking to sell hundreds or even thousands of products on your e-commerce store? Well, you'll need an irresistible product description for each one that will guide customers and push them to buy! But let's face it, crafting a high-quality product description can be a daunting task that may take hours. Don't stress, though - you can let AI take the reins and effortlessly create stunning descriptions that are sure to boost sales!

In this article, we'll reveal the best AI tools to effortlessly generate captivating product descriptions that will have your customers clicking that "purchase" button in no time.


  • Product descriptions are essential in any e-commerce store to drive customers towards making a purchase.
  • AI tools can help e-commerce businesses create high-quality product descriptions by utilizing features like text generators and SEO keywords.
  • If you are looking for a useful AI tool to create product descriptions that will sell for you, you should try TextCortex.
  • With TextCortex, you can automate all your e-commerce tasks, from product descriptions to email creation.

What Is A Product Description?

A product description serves an important purpose in introducing the product to customers, explaining what it does, listing its features, and highlighting its benefits. A well-written and engaging product description has the power to positively influence the purchase decision of the customer.

On the other side, poor-quality product descriptions can lead customers to abandon their purchases altogether. It is worth noting that low-quality product descriptions in your e-commerce store can result in missed revenue opportunities. So, it's crucial to invest time and effort in crafting high-quality product descriptions that will help increase your sales and maximize your profits.

amazon product descriptions

Importance Of A Well-Crafted Product Description

Product descriptions are essential for giving potential customers the information they need to make a smart purchase decision. They can also help differentiate a product from its competitors, emphasizing its unique advantages. Additionally, well-crafted product descriptions can help to boost a website's search engine optimization (SEO) by including relevant keywords and phrases. Finally, simple, and straightforward product descriptions prevent unnecessary customer service inquiries, as they provide customers with all the answers they need.

how to create amazon product descriptions

How To Write Great Product Descriptions?

If you want to write perfect product descriptions that sell for you, let us give you a few tips:

• Determine your target audience

• Talk about the benefits of the product

• Avoid a casual tone

• Glorify the product

• Explain how the product works

• Explain why the customer should buy the product

If you use these tricks when writing a product description, you can create high-quality content.

How Can AI Tools Help Your E-commerce With Product Descriptions?

AI tools are equipped with an array of features that can be incredibly beneficial to your e-commerce business, particularly in product description generation. By utilizing AI text generators, you can effortlessly create high-quality, clear, and concise product descriptions. Simply provide the product brand, name, and features, and let the AI do the rest of the work for you! With the help of AI, you can create compelling product descriptions that will engage your customers and help boost your sales.

In addition to generating high-quality product descriptions, some AI tools like TextCortex, which integrates with Zapier, can automate a range of tasks for your e-commerce business. These tools can help you eliminate tedious and repetitive tasks like product description writing, freeing up valuable time and resources that can be directed towards more important areas of your business. By automating these tasks, you can increase the productivity and profitability of your e-commerce store, while also improving the overall efficiency of your operations.

Best AI Tools to Create Converting Product Descriptions

Are you searching for the ultimate AI tool to take your e-commerce profitability to the next level? With so many options available, it's easy to get lost in the sea of choices. But fear not, we've done the research for you and compiled a list of the highest-quality AI tools with the most robust features for your e-commerce business. Say goodbye to low-quality options and hello to the best of the best in the world of AI technology.

TextCortex – Automate E-commerce Tasks

TextCortex comes with 60+ different templates that you can use in your e-commerce including product descriptions. It can generate output in more than 25 languages, so you can cater to customers from all over the world. TextCortex is available as a web application and browser extension. Also, it is integrated with more than 4000 websites and apps, so you can continue to manage your e-commerce with TextCortex no matter what webpage you are on. TextCortex's features that you can use to boost your e-commerce sales include:

  • Product Description (with or without features)
  • Tone of Voice 
  • Company Bios 
  • Company Missions
  • Company Vision
  • Feature to Benefit (generate benefits for your product or service)
  • Personal Bios
  • Short Press Release
  • Call to Action (CTA)
  • Meta Tags
  • Landing Page Headlines

If you want to access all the templates of TextCortex, you'll need to install the browser extension or visit our web application.

When you install TextCortex's browser extension, you can also access ZenoChat, the world's most useful conversational AI. You can use ZenoChat to enhance the customer support of your e-commerce store. In addition, ZenoChat is equipped with GPT-4 and Sophos 2 language models to help you with all your tasks. Moreover, ZenoChat has conversational memory, meaning it trains itself with the conversations it has with you and starts to generate a more accurate output.

Create product descriptions with AI

Fully Automated Product Description Generation with TextCortex & Zapier

Last but not least, you can automate all of your e-commerce tasks with TextCortex! With its seamless integration with Zapier, you can automate a variety of tasks, including email creation and product description generation. Let TextCortex handle the heavy lifting for you, freeing up your time and energy to focus on more essential aspects of your e-commerce business.


GetGenie is an AI tool designed to complete most of your writing tasks, including the product description. With GetGenie, you can generate text, create SEO content, and benefit from its 30+ templates. In addition, GetGenie has an editor that gives information about your written content.

Shopify product descriptions

GetGenie gives 1500-word credit to new users. In other words, you can generate a free output of up to 1500 words with GetGenie. Since an average product description is around 250 words, its credit is sufficient for you to try GetGenie's capabilities. GetGenie comes with an AI Chatbot that you can use for your various tasks. With this chatbot, you can generate text, write an email, generate a product description, and ask questions.

GetGenie offers various features for social media managers, social media influencers and business owners. Using GetGenie, you can reply to comments/DMs, create daily content, set a social media strategy, and paraphrase your written content.


When it comes to creating product descriptions, copy.ai has a template for it. After writing the product name and product features with Copy.ai, you can select the tone of voice and create the product description. Although copy.ai's product description tool works with limited sentence structures, it is sufficient to receive generic content. Copy.ai's product description generator does not provide keyword support, so the product descriptions you write with copy.ai will not move your e-commerce store to the first pages of search engines. If you are looking for a product description generator with a keyword feature, TextCortex is the way to go.

Generate product descriptions

Copy.ai comes with different templates that you can use for your e-commerce. These templates include AI generators such as the call to action, listicle, micro copy, landing page text, and feature to benefits. All the features of Copy.ai can generate output in 20+ languages.