Do you remember how old movies often portrayed artificial intelligence (AI) taking over the world as a terrifying concept?

Seeing a machine independently creating text responses was once a chilling idea.

However, there's no need to worry.

Today's AI bot technology is advanced and safe. In this article, we're exploring a unique aspect of AI: a multilingual chatbot.

What sets it apart from other chatbots is its ability to comprehend, analyze, and respond to input in numerous languages.

Let's unveil what else lies concealed behind the scenes!

What Is a Multilingual Chatbot?

Multilingual chatbots are computer programs with multiple language capabilities.

They are also referred to as Intelligent Virtual Assistant or Conversational AI.

After receiving user input through Natural Language Processing technology, they respond in a human-like way.

Multilingual chatbots are usually integrated into an organization's current website or mobile application.

What Multilingual Chatbots Must Include?

Multilingual Chatbots Must Include the Following Features:

  • Language Detection - The capacity to recognize the input language of a user and reply in that language.
  • Translation - In case a chatbot isn't preprogrammed to respond in a certain language, it could automatically translate its responses into that language.
  • Automation - Chatbots are always available to aid with basic self-help requests and respond automatically to user inquiries.
  • Integration With Other Apps - When addressing a customer's order-related inquiry, a multilingual chatbot can interact with an online store of a company and collect the customer's order data.

If your company serves a diverse client base or operates internationally, where your clients speak languages different from your own, having a multilingual chatbot becomes crucial.


This functionality ensures effective communication across language barriers, fostering better understanding and customer satisfaction.

It's an essential tool for enhancing customer support and engagement in a global business environment.

Use Cases for Multilingual Chatbots

Here are some examples of how you can utilize AI chatbots to improve procedures in your organization:

  • Customer Service - Give your consumers 24-hour help, and answer FAQs, simple problems can be resolved using a chat interface.
  • Marketing and Sales - Respond to first product and service inquiries, make recommendations, and assist clients in making purchasing decisions.
  • Editing and Writing - Create content concepts, make article summaries, and prepare emails, social media text, and paragraphs.
  • Human Resources and Recruitment -  Engage with prospective employees, answer basic questions regarding available employment, and plan interviews and meetings.

While many such tools feature one or two of the above-mentioned critical characteristics, the following list of multilingual chatbots stands out because it includes most or all of these properties.

6 Multilingual Chatbots for Your Best Experience in 2024

1. ZenoChat by Textcortex: Empower Communication With an All-In-One Multilingual Chatbot


ZenoChat by TextCortex is a versatile conversational AI tool offering a multilingual chatbot along with various other writing functions.

It's available as both a browser extension and an online application.

This wide accessibility is further enhanced by its integration with over 20,000 websites and apps via the ZenoChat browser plugin.

This means you can leverage ZenoChat for tasks like analyzing documents or engaging in conversations anytime and anywhere.

Its unique content-focused features allow users to fully utilize the capabilities of the chatbot, making it a powerful tool for diverse communication and writing needs.

ZenoChat Feature Highlights

ZenoChat's highly appreciated features include:

⚜️ Multilingual Capabilities — Offers content creation in over 25 languages, including German, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and more.

⚜️ Readability and Proofreading Tools — TextCortex's readability checker ensures your material is impactful and error-free.

⚜️ Adjustable Tone of Voice — Enables choosing the right tone for different topics and audiences.

⚜️ Paraphrasing Function — Allows for revising and refining writing while preserving its original meaning, ideal for collaborative efforts.

⚜️ Online Search Integration — ZenoChat can generate content based on the latest information available on the web.

How to Customize Your ZenoChat?

ZenoChat can be used for both general and specialized tasks.

Our "Individual Personas" feature allows you to alter ZenoChat's voice, demeanor, and output style to fit your preferences.

Besides 12 distinct personalities for ZenoChat, you can make your digital twin and instruct ZenoChat to speak in your voice while completing your tasks.

ZenoChat has an integrated option to auto-detect the language you use.


Additionally, with TextCortex you have access to Knowledge Bases.

This enables you to immediately upload and retrieve information from your documents inside ZenoChat, increasing the functionality and usefulness of your AI partner.

With customizable options, ZenoChat is easily the most versatile multilingual tool on the market.

ZenoChat Benefits

These are the first things you remember when you think about ZenoChat:

Break Down Language Barriers — Zenochat supports over 20 languages including English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German.

Simplified Knowledge Base — Easily upload and access information from multiple documents simultaneously.

Convenient Extension — Toggle Zenochat's extension feature on or off as needed.

Premium Content Quality — TextCortex enables you to create distinctive, natural-sounding, high-quality content.

Pinpoint Accuracy — Advanced natural language processing ensures precise understanding of user queries and accurate responses.

Ultimate Customization — Tailor every aspect of ZenoChat to your preferences for seamless use.

TextCortex Pricing

TextCortex provides team plans with reasonable pricing for all team sizes and offers a free plan.


2. Chatling: Multilingual Solution for Improving Ticket Resolution Rates


Chatling is an AI chatbot tool designed to provide personalized support for companies' clients. Its main aims are to reduce support requests, boost customer satisfaction, and enhance interactions.

You can easily add custom AI chatbots to websites without any coding.

The bot can be trained using data like knowledge bases and website content to respond in over 50 languages.

Plus, you can customize your chatbot to match your brand and provide 24/7 automated responses.

Chatling Feature Highlights

Chatling's features enable you to:

⚜️ Utilize Diverse Data Sources — Train your chatbot using various resources such as sitemaps, website URLs, FAQs, documents, and custom texts.

⚜️ Customize Your Chatbot — Tailor aspects like chat width, color, and icon to align with your brand's aesthetics.

⚜️ Easy Website Integration — Seamlessly embed the chatbot into any website for quick automation of customer support.

⚜️ Gain Insights from Interactions — Monitor chatbot conversations to understand client requests better and observe the chatbot’s performance.

Chatling Benefits

Here are most relevant benefits of using Chatling:

Cost-Effective — Automating customer support reduces the need for a large support team, saving on resources.

Conversation Analysis — Monitoring customer interactions provides valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

Customized Responses — AI-powered chatbots deliver personalized answers to customer inquiries, enhancing user experience.

Chatling Pricing

Chatling offers both free and premium programs, with the option to upgrade if needed, to suit a variety of budgets.


3. ChatGPT: Multilingual Chatbot with Advanced Generative AI Features and Versatility


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is more than a typical NLP tool—it's part of the advanced GPT series. Its main function is to engage in human-like conversations.

The platform performs NLP tasks such as answering questions, making suggestions, summarizing text, and translating languages.

Beyond content creation, developers can use ChatGPT for coding tasks like generating code, debugging, and solving programming queries.

Additionally, it offers multilingual support, capable of translating in over 50 languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic.

ChatGPT Feature Highlights

ChatGPT's features make it especially beneficial for use in e-commerce, customer service, and various industries alongside chatbots and virtual assistants:

⚜️ Contextual Awareness — It understands the topic of conversation and provides relevant information by analyzing previous messages.

⚜️ Tailored Responses — ChatGPT offers customized replies based on individual user interests and conversation history.

⚜️ Knowledge Base Access — Integrating with a knowledge base, it provides detailed information and solutions to complex inquiries.

⚜️ Human-like Language — Generates responses that mimic human conversation by understanding grammatical and phonological patterns.

⚜️ Effective Summarization — It identifies key points in content to create concise summaries that capture the essence of the text.

ChatGPT Benefits

ChatGPT excels in several areas:

Efficient Customer Support – Always available, it can handle a large volume of customer inquiries simultaneously, enhancing service automation.

Process Automation — Excelling in automating mundane tasks like data entry and classification, it saves significant time for teams.

Advanced Content Creation — Capable of generating complete blog posts, summarizing topics, rephrasing paragraphs, and even creating prompts for DALL-E for image generation.

ChatGPT Pricing

For individual users, the ChatGPT Plus Plan is available for $20.

Additionally, for more extensive usage, OpenAI offers model customizable price choices that are tailored to satisfy the demands of a wide range of customers.


4. Google Bard: A Helpful, Productivity-Focused Multilingual Chatbot for General Use


Google Bard, an experimental conversational AI developed by Google, offers a range of functionalities including writing, language translation, creative outputs, and more.

Similar in operation to ChatGPT, its standout feature is the ability to source information directly from the Internet.

Bard is versatile, generating text and spoken responses in over 40 languages, and it can create graphics, code, and solve math problems.

Additionally, it integrates a "Google it" button for deeper research on topics and offers seamless export options to other Google products like Google Docs and Gmail.

Bard Feature Highlights

Google Bard is admired for its range of features, including:

⚜️ Detailed Image and Video Analysis — Bard can analyze visuals, offering in-depth descriptions or translating text within images.

⚜️ Voice Command Functionality — Useful for those times you're not at the keyboard or prefer using voice commands.

⚜️ Extensive Language Support — Capable of responding in 40 different languages, including English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, and more.

⚜️ Seamless Google Integration — Bard works harmoniously with various Google products, such as Docs, Sheets, and Presentations.

Bard Benefits

Google Bard offers several key advantages:

Real-Time Information — Inquiries about current stock values or recent news stories yield up-to-date responses, as it sources the latest information.

Conversational Intelligence — Capable of understanding context, adapting to various conversational styles, and providing human-like responses.

Ease of Use — Features a user-friendly interface, ensuring simplicity and ease of understanding for users.

Bard Pricing

Google Bard is a free service that allows you to ask an endless amount of questions.

5. Bing Chat: Microsoft’s Own Ai-Powered Chatbot


Microsoft's Bing Chat is a chatbot powered by the advanced GPT-4 AI model, delivering timely and precise responses to user queries.

Notable for its reliability, it provides source citations consistently, making it one of the most trustworthy chatbots available.

Bing Chat is mobile-friendly and offers three conversational styles: professional, friendly, and witty.

Additionally, it features an image generator that creates custom graphics based on user input. Moreover, its engine supports a wide range of languages, including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and more.

Bing Feature Highlights

Bing Chat boasts several impressive features:

⚜️ GPT-4 Integration — Powered by OpenAI's advanced GPT-4 model, Bing Chat delivers accurate and comprehensive responses across various topics.

⚜️ Customizable Conversation Modes — Offers three distinct response styles – Creative for imaginative answers, Balanced for factual yet engaging responses, and Precise for concise, fact-based information.

⚜️ Web Search Capability — Can pull up-to-date information directly from web searches, providing current insights on specific topics.

⚜️ Enhanced Keyword Research — Assists in selecting and utilizing relevant keywords in website metadata, titles, and content, optimizing material for search engine visibility.

Bing Benefits

Bing Chat boasts several impressive features:

Reliable Source Referencing — It provides source citations with responses, allowing users to easily verify the information.

Advanced Text Analysis — Capable of summarizing texts up to 4,000 words, proofreading, editing, and suggesting sentences or paragraphs, and handling image uploads.

Built-In Image Generator — Can create graphics based on text prompts or user-given text instructions.

Bing Pricing

Bing chatbot is free, but keep in mind that it is limited to 300 conversations per day.

6. Intercom: Great Live Multilingual Chatbot and Marketing Tool


Intercom is a user-friendly platform designed to foster client relationships via scalable messaging.

It allows businesses to not only handle a large volume of conversations but also to connect more personally with a greater number of customers.

Companies utilize Intercom to expedite customer resolutions, qualify leads, and develop sales pipelines.

This platform offers 3 types of chatbots:

  • Task Bot - Chatbot that can only communicate if there are no teammates assigned to the conversation or if a teammate has closed it.
  • Custom Bot - Customized chatbot with predefined flows and elements.
  • Resolution Bot - Chatbot that responds to your customers' questions automatically, based on keywords

Additionally, Intercom's support for a diverse array of languages is notable, with a total of 45 languages including Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, and many more.

Intercom Feature Highlights

Intercom bot's prominent features include:

⚜️ Client Profile Integration — Ability to build and customize profiles targeting different client segments.

⚜️ Multichannel Support — Available on various platforms including Intercom Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and SMS.

⚜️ Content-Driven Functionality — Operates using diverse content sources like public URLs, snippets, PDFs, etc.

⚜️ Tailored Response Creation — Enables crafting of Custom Answers with specific follow-up actions and guidelines to direct customers effectively.

Intercom Benefits

This is why everybody likes Intercom:

Comprehensive Communication Tools — Intercom offers a variety of customer communication features like live chat, automated email, and customer data management.

Extensive Integration Capabilities — Easily integrates with numerous third-party apps, including CRM systems and marketing automation tools.

Easy-to-Use Design — The user-friendly interface of Intercom makes it accessible and manageable for businesses of any size.

Intercom Pricing

Intercom comes with 3 premium pricing tiers.


Wrapping It Up

Basically, getting a multilingual chatbot is a win-win for you and your clients. These bots are like having hundreds of people who can chat in loads of languages.

They save you cash and the hassle of finding folks who know different languages.

Plus, making one of these chatbots is pretty straightforward, whether you're a newbie or a pro. You can either DIY it or get a chatbot company to sort it out for you.

If you want to jump right in, give TextCortex's ZenoChat a shot.


TextCortex stands out for several reasons:

🎯 User-Friendly: Its interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.

🎯 Versatile Feature Set: Equipped with a comprehensive suite of tools suitable for a variety of writing tasks.

🎯 Enhances Digital Presence and Productivity: It significantly boosts your online visibility and efficiency in content creation.

🎯 Multilingual Support: Offers support for over 25 languages, catering to a global audience.

🎯 Conversational Chatbot: Features an advanced chatbot that can generate content instantly, making interactions smooth and efficient.

🎯 Customized Writing Personas: Allows for the creation of personalized content by offering customized writing styles and tones.

🎯 Freemium Account Available: You can try it out at no cost, giving you a risk-free opportunity to explore its capabilities.

Ready for a ride?

Sign up with TextCortex today to start your journey towards effortless and impactful writing!


Why Do Businesses Require a Multilingual Chatbot?

Multilingual chatbots appear to be the ideal solution to your localization issues.

Even establishing a chatbot in a single language requires a significant expenditure.

Businesses may be unwilling to invest additional time in installing different languages on new chatbots

This is why finding a tested multilingual chatbot is the best solution.

Chatbots vs Conversational AI: What’s the Difference?

Conversational AI is all about the tools and programming that allow a machine to simulate and carry out human-like conversations.

A chatbot is a program that can use conversational artificial intelligence.

It is a program that interacts with people.

Chatbots are powered by conversational AI.