One AI copilot that truly gets you.

Collaborate with AI that speaks your voice,
integrated with your knowledge and filled with freshest trends on the web.

TextCortex explained in 180 seconds

Trusted by 100.000s of users from

Integrate & collaborate with your knowledge

Break data barriers with AI, seamlessly integrating knowledge to optimize team collaboration and productivity.

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Generative Search Experience

Access real-time insights from the web to elevate your team's decision-making and efficiency.

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Teach AI your style & tone and stay consistent

Your AI copilot is whomever you want it to be. Set style & tone and define how you want your AI to respond in various situations.

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Scale content creation with AI

Compose articles, research papers, or rewrite texts to find better words. Simply highlight a text wherever you are on the internet.

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textcortex extension

Works where you work

No context switching required. TextCortex provides one consistent experience across 30,000+
apps and sites through key integrations, a browser extension, & a robust desktop app.

Enhance human capabilities & productivity

It's all about working smarter, not harder. TextCortex revolutionizes the way corporate teams manage their knowledge & communicate by supporting them in routine  tasks, from data analysis/retrieval to email or content writing.

“For companies having trouble producing text material, TextCortex is a game-changer.”
— Adam Keller
Corporate Professional

Knowledge collaboration redefined

Empower your team to share and collaborate effortlessly, accessing vital company knowledge in seconds and surfacing actionable insights with ease. See case study

Leverage AI to align corporate communication

Our users utilize TextCortex up to 60 times per day, drafting first ideas, reducing writing time and mental overhead.

The ultimate manager's companion

For managers, TextCortex serves as an invaluable tool for generating reports, crafting team updates, and drafting strategic plans.

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Your AI-powered marketing companion

TextCortex is a powerful tool that is designed to cater to your unique communication style and needs, allowing you to become an immediate executor of your ideas on 20.000+ platforms.

“What truly sets TextCortex apart, is its ability to spark inspiration.”
— Galal Fahmy
Marketing Professional

Facing creative blocks?

Are you facing creative block due to information overload and routine mundane tasks? With so much information available at our fingertips, it can be overwhelming to sift through it all and find the relevant information that we need. Reduce creative block and get from 0 to 70% in less than 3 clicks.

Your answer to excessive time-spent

Writing can be a time-consuming task, and for creatives, time is a valuable resource. Reduce your writing time by over 50%, allowing you to focus on brainstorming, and executing ideas.

Consistent creativity

TextCortex offers a customizable, cross-device platform that integrates seamlessly with your workflow, providing a toolkit of advanced writing and research capabilities.

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Better efficiency & increased productivity

Leverage personal intelligence for better efficiency across your whole team and organization.

"A huge timesaver for small business owners”
— Cindy D.
Business Owner

Feeling understaffed constantly?

Our users utilize TextCortex up to 60 times per day, drafting first ideas, reducing writing time and mental overhead.

Narrate around your business

Realize more opportunities by putting yourself out and create content which sells your product and service by themselves.

Your personal pocket expert

Hiring experts for various tasks is expensive. TextCortex acts as a virtual coworker, filling the gap for various roles. Achieve more while embracing the limited resources you have.

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Spark new inspirations & produce more

Our cutting-edge AI models is designed to help spark inspiration and fuel your creativity, allowing you to produce more high-quality text in less time.

“For freelancers working with text all day long, it's lifesaver!”
— Andriy Y.
Freelance Translator

Your answer to excessive time consumption

Time is your most precious and valuable resource. TextCortex users use the platform up to 60 times/day, drafting first ideas, reducing writing time and mental overhead.

Consistent creativity

TextCortex offers a customizable, cross-device platform that integrates seamlessly with your workflow, providing a toolkit of advanced writing and research capabilities. This empowers you to generate high-quality work without errors, even on demanding days.

All clients have their unique needs and requirements

Keeping track of all the necessary details is difficult. Create multiple knowledge bases and personas tailored to each of your clients.

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Your secret weapon to unlock your full academic potential

TextCortex learns and adapts to your unique writing style, making it easier for you to write high-quality papers.

"TextCortex helps me create presentable and professional work for my studies."
— Julia J.
PhD Student

Time to kick essays at school

With our user-friendly interface and adaptable features, TextCortex can be tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences, providing you with the tools you need to excel in your personal and professional life.

Research made easy

Browse academic sources to find exactly what you are looking for your research. Easily filter out the noise and focus on primary sources on Google Scholar, JSTOR and many others.

Write with confidence

Expand your ideas and turn them into beautifully-crafted paragraphs without any grammar issues. Writing has never been this easy.

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Breaking barriers, embracing superpowers

Spend your time leveraging your superpowers. TextCortex is designed to empower neurodiverse individuals by providing the right instruments to succeed.

“I needed an AI friend to check the coherence of my text. TextCortex worked wonderfully!”
— Tania G.

It’s all about your success story

With our user-friendly interface and adaptable features, TextCortex can be tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences, providing you with the tools you need to excel in your personal and professional life.

Your unique cognitive style embraced by personal AI

The personal intelligence of TextCortex understands and adapts to unique communication styles and cognitive needs.

Breaking barriers, connecting voices

Our innovative technology breaks down barriers and connects voices with text-to-speech & speech-to-text, empowering neurodiverse individuals to share their unique perspectives with the world.

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Known from

Check out what our users are saying

Discover why thousands of creators, content marketers, agencies and entrepreneurs trust Textcortex.

Why customers love TextCortex (3:00)

Stephanie P.


Wow, so happy I discovered the magic, and power, of TextCortex. Being able to have support on writing effective, concise and engaging content, across so many forms/platforms, is such a helpful tool, and helps me best engage with my audience, community and clients.

Theresa S.


Unique and custom-fit texts for marketing and other usages. TextCortex was a great help for me, creating marketing texts for product descriptions on a homepage I am working on recently. Besides that I really like the idea of the pricing model, offering the service for free to young start-ups.

Ivan David


I've been using it for copywriting on work and university. Extremely powerful tool. The most genius  thing is you can unlock premium features by completing objectives. Very entertaining and rewarding.

Jeff Barnette


This tool is amazing and makes overcoming writers block a breeze. I have also been able to improve my creative writing ability through the suggestions generated by the AI. This is certainly an extension worth trying out because it may just save you hours of work and frustration.

Kristen Travison


I've been using this for a short time, but already it's made writing emails faster. I don't have to spend forever thinking of the best way to say something. I can drop my ideas and TextCortex helps me clean them up and simplify quickly. Game changer!

Javier Chico


Is there a way to rate this with 10-20-30 full stars? I cannot believe how good this is. It is a game changer for my work environment. Thanks a lot for envision, developing and create this in a tremendous and useful delivery for us users.

Gul D.


TextCortex helps me a lot with my school projects requiring me to write long essays. In such a short time, I could create long-form essay bodies from my bullet point ideas. Truly a life-saver for my studies. I also benefited from the Student Program.

Orlaith Hartnett


Great tool to aid all your copywriting task! I especially enjoy using the Chrome extension, it's simple to use and the results are amazing!

Brian K.


This tool is amazing and makes overcoming writers block a breeze. I have also been able to improve my creative writing ability through the suggestions generated by the AI. This is certainly an extension worth trying out because it must just save you hours of work and frustration.



I used this tool to generate a blog post using its AI capacity and I was so impressed with the results. Even more so after I performed a deep plagiarism check on the output and a got a no-plagiarism pass score of 94%.

Precious O.


I like the fact that I can generate long-form content and product descriptions in minutes. Textcortex or nothing! It gives me accurate content that is relevant to the topic I'm writing about. I tried out all the features and I love them.

Raviraj Alva


TextCortex AI is a very good tool that generates Blog Articles with more than 90% unique content always. Helps me a lot generating my blogs on a daily basis.

Wilvia Dsouza


This is a really great extension as it helped me a lot in my late night writeups. I used to have difficulty in writing some sentences that this extension helped me in covering it up. I am thankful for the creator of this tool as it saves a lots of time and energy.

Rachel Patterson


This extension has a lot of potential; however, I feel it is in the beginning stages of development. The developers constantly add new features though. The AI writing ability is very good, just needs a few little tweaks worked out before it is perfect.

James William


Dude... stack this with other content writing apps and you've got near perfect blog posts for pennies. I've made over 6 figures using this extension, good stuff!

Kai K.


It's like DeepL but for writing and verbal content creation! Seamless setup, intuitive UI, and high quality outputs. Really recommend this to anyone trying to become more efficient.

James Musau


Certainly a useful resource. It's something you should use frequently. TextCortex can help make your writing sound more natural and genuine. The ability of Textcortext to read and comprehend conversational context improves content output.

Pau Gaillard Lanao


I have tried a few NLP tools for creating texts, and Textcortex is one of the ones that writes the most coherent and meaningful texts. So if you need a tool to generate content.

Questions?  Answers.

How does TextCortex work?

TextCortex is a powerful AI-powered writing tool that can help you reduce your writing time, handle big tasks, and create high-quality content without errors. With its customizable platform, personalized intelligence experience, advanced writing and research capabilities, and error-free content, TextCortex is the perfect tool for creative professionals who want to be a creative force in their industry.

Is the created text unique and plagiarism-free?

Our AI copilot learned how to write from more than 3 billion sentences and has the ability to create unique content. However, fact-checking is something which still requires a human approval.

Which languages does TextCortex support?

TextCortex supports more than 25 languages including English, Dutch, German, Ukranian, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian.

Is TextCortex free?

Yes, TextCortex is completely free to use with all of its features. When you sign up, you receive 100 free creations. Then you will receive 20 recurring creations every day on the free plan.

Does TextCortex offer Text Generation API?

Yes, we have a Text Generation API, please talk to us directly to implement it. You can reach out to us at [email protected]

I have an account for single person, can I share it with my friends?

Account sharing is not allowed. If you have a need for more than 5 seats for an account, you can directly contact us at [email protected]

Does TextCortex offer free trial?

Yes, TextCortex offers 14-day free trial for users to try out all features extensively with higher number of generations. But keep in mind that you can already try everything with the free plan. There is no feature that is locked behind a premium plan.

How are TextCortex's reviews on G2, Trustpilot, Capterra, and other platforms?

Overall, TextCortex AI has over 1000 five-star reviews on reputable review sites such as G2, Trustpilot and Capterra.

What is the AI that adapts to your writing style?

TextCortex learns and adapts to your unique writing style and knowledge, making it easier for you to write high-quality & personalized content.

I cancelled my subscription, what happens to my account?

Your premium features will be available until the end of your subscription date, then your account plan will be set to Free plan.

General Questions

Your AI copilot is ready to collaborate with you.

Connect your knowledge, customize the style and start collaborating with your AI copilot.