Did you know that it is estimated that by 2025 there will be 4.6 billion regular email users

Just in the year 2021, it was calculated that on a daily basis, people receive and send more than 319 billion emails every day.

Today, we have 4 billion daily active email users

Given these numbers, it's no surprise that people are always looking for innovative approaches to advertising via email campaigns.

One factor is the excellent return on investment that email marketing provides (up to $42 for every $1 spent).

But how to achieve that? 

According to Marketing Platform, CTRs over 20% indicate that your newsletters are being targeted effectively.

In other words, if you want to achieve such a high rating, you should mimic the actions of successful newsletter campaigns.

Today we’ll discuss the essentials of successful types of newsletters you should try in 2023, including the content, timing, and examples of such communications.

Let’s start!

What are Newsletters?

A newsletter represents a series of regular emails distributed to a group of people that contain news and other content related to a particular subject. 

Typically, they include information like updates, news, and other resources, designed to appeal to that person's specific interests.

A newsletter can serve many purposes, including educating and informing subscribers and promoting products, services, or events

In this way, organizations can keep their audiences abreast of developments and initiatives in their sphere of influence.

Which Effective Elements Should You Include In Your Newsletter?

Apart from effective subject lines that need to stand out (which is 50% of successful email campaigns), the other 50% of successful CTR depends on the other content within your newsletter.

Here I will list the top 3 most crucial elements without which your emails can go waste.

Let’s check them out!

1. Tell Your Subscribers Why are You Reaching Out

Who and why is reaching out are the basic core of your newsletter emails.

What’s more, the extent to which a recipient explores your message depends on the quality of your newsletter's layout and the appeal of the information you provide in tandem with that layout.

write newsletters

To match the design of your newsletter to your brand and logo, you can utilize some of the email templates.

For instance, DesignBundles.net offers a variety of interesting and eye-catching Canva newsletter templates to get started.

Second thing is to create an effective topic-oriented message that triggers the reader’s interest to find out more.

Keeping in mind the "10 second rule" for capturing a reader's attention, you'll want to craft a compelling introduction to encourage the reader to keep on reading.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) effect, for instance, is a great hook for the beginning of an email.

Pro Tip: AI tools, such as TextCortex add-on can help you write effective content if you lack inspiration.

With the TextCortex’s "Zeno Assist", for example, you can request from AI writers to come up with some ideas for writing an introduction for your email.

To switch into this mode, pick a sentence to use as a launching point. 

When a rewriting menu shows up below the highlighted text, select "Zeno."

Another option is to simply rewrite your existing content into 10+ different tones of voice you want to use in your email. That includes casual, urgent, encouraging, and more.

Highlight your text, select the “Tone” option and start rewriting your message until you find the best fit.

2. Include Content That Evokes Curiosity

Even though your newsletter content and offering will highly depend on the type of your business (retail, Saas, finance) you should consider one of your “top sellers” in your email.

For the most part, this is done so that the reader isn't limited to the current offer but can instead explore related topics and products that may better suit their needs.

In the example above, the list of top selling products with a compelling introduction of that particular newsletter section and product descriptions can do the trick.

Make sure to link all your product offerings to your website.

This will create a convenient customer experience, while leading more traffic towards your website.

3. Don’t Forget CTA

And finally, the famous CTA. 

To make this step as easy as possible, consider the CTA button in your newsletter as a steering wheel where all of your content efforts ought to be rewarded.

Failing to include a CTA in your email is like offering a product that is out of stock. 

This can have a negative impact on your newsletter campaign because you'll pass up a ton of good chances to turn prospects and potential customers into paying customers.

It is a dead cliff you most definitely want to avoid.

Now that you have the essence, let’s check top 5 types of newsletters to consider using in your future email campaigns.

5 Types of Newsletters You Should Consider In 2023

1. Promotional Newsletters.

Sending out a promotional newsletter to your customer base is a great way to keep them updated on your latest offerings, sales, and other specials.

They are regularly distributed to keep customers informed and interested.

Furthermore, they can be used to inspire repeat purchases and word-of-mouth advertising.

Text, pictures, videos, and even embedded games can all be included in promotional newsletters. 

In most cases, they are designed using a pre-made creative template that is intended to reflect the company's image. 

Marketers can gauge the success of their newsletter campaigns by monitoring customer response and sales that result from sending out promotional newsletters.

Apple’s Promotional Newsletter Example

Apple’s sharp and clean approach to promotional newsletter type speaks for itself.

A simple intro with the brand’s reputation is sometimes more than enough for half-baked prospects to get curious and decide to find out more.

Litmus’s Promotional Newsletter Example

The promotional newsletter example from Litmus inspires extreme creativity.

Litmus used concise and important content information in alignment with current trends in dark mode to pique interest and slam with an effective CTA that begs for a click.

2. Editorial Newsletters

In addition to increasing exposure for your brand and business, editorial newsletters can also be used to forge stronger bonds with your customers.

Editorial newsletters are e-mail updates penned and distributed directly by the editors of a publication or news organization.

They include short articles, editorials, and other pieces that relate to the publication's main focus. 

An editorial newsletter typically serves to update readers on the latest happenings about latest news, highlight upcoming features, and provide editorial commentary on issues and ideas central to the publication's ethos.

Editorial newsletters may also include in-depth interviews with industry leaders, previews of upcoming events, and other timely information pertinent to the publication's focus. 

Brain Pickings’ Editorial Newsletter Example

Brain Pickings in this example uses an old but effective storytelling writing technique to entertain and educate its subscribers, while using standard blog form.

The great thing about this example is that it shows how you can leverage the use of anchor text to boost traffic toward other relevant topics on your website.

Charity:water’s Editorial Newsletter Example

I personally love how Charity:water decided to approach the editorial newsletter in the example below.

Here you can clearly see that this newsletter type targets book fans in such an intriguing way that it has zero chances to fail.

If you are a fan of reading, on scale 1-10, what are the chances you’d not want to read the rest of Aissa's story?

3. Announcement Newsletters

Newsletters for announcements are typically concise and to the point. 

They exist to inform customers of upcoming events, the introduction of new products, or other pertinent information.

This type of newsletter usually includes a link to a website or page with more details about the announcement.

Announcement newsletters are distributed regularly and can contain links to extra materials like videos, webinars, and blog posts. 

Additionally, they can be used to link customers' social media accounts, including Twitter and Facebook.

Avanti’s Announcement Newsletter Example

When it comes to announcement information, Avanti exhibits clarity. 

They chose to concentrate on the core of the approach to the topic rather than creating a wall of text with "who" and "why" questions, leaving it up to their subscribers to decide whether or not they want to learn more.

The fact that the content actually aligns with the CTA in this particular newsletter type is also fantastic.

Casper’s Announcement Newsletter Example

What I personally love about Casper is their minimalistic approach — “the picture worth a 1000 words” + an effective intro in one line.

Although I don't personally have a pet, if I were to subscribe to this newsletter, I think I would first buy a mattress before looking for a dog.

Casper won, didn’t he?

Virgin America’s Announcement Newsletter Example

Virgin America is unquestionably the example to look at if you were considering how numbers can play a very important role in making visuals stand out.

Can you notice how the headline of this newsletter type, "8 hours sale," and the price of $38 force you to read the rest of the content?

4. Transactional Newsletters 

Transactional newsletters are emailed to customers in response to their actions, such as requesting a product, making a purchase, or signing up for a service

They frequently include personalized details about a customer's order and can be used to express gratitude, promote extra services, or offer any other pertinent information.

Transactional newsletters also can contain content like special offers, product suggestions, and follow-up details

Because of this purpose, these emails are also known as automated newsletters.

Transactional newsletters are a powerful tool for interacting with customers and fostering bonds.

Postmark’s Transactional Newsletter Example

Even though we are all used to transactional newsletters, we can’t deny that some of them are quite recognizable in terms of creativity.

Postmark is one of such examples.

Brand’s colors wrapped in the “post” shape. Effective enough for me.

Premium Beat’s Transactional Newsletter

Premium Beat’s message combines a lovely design with the clear message —  “We’ve got your email”.

All necessary information is there: links to share, email for support, and CTA to confirm your email.

They are evenly spaced and in alignment with the clear, succinct approach of the main subject of this type of newsletter.

5. Productivity Newsletters

Productivity newsletters are periodic emails that provide advice, resources, and strategies to help people be more productive. 

You can use them to help people accomplish more in less time, including time-saving tips, productivity hacks, and other helpful information. 

You can also use productivity newsletters as a great way to keep your subscribers up with the newest productivity trends and new productivity techniques.

They are an excellent opportunity for new subscription opportunities and a reminder to your prospect to stay on course and continue progressing toward their objectives.

Community WFM’s Productivity Newsletter Example

Community WFM actually shows us the real example on how to effectively repurpose your blog posts for wider audiences.

Attract with an effective title, engage with a short intro, and encourage action with the CTA.

Clean and compelling!

Damp’s Productivity Newsletter Example

I really like how Damp decided to effectively recommend restaurants and its offerings using a “menu” style.

You don’t have to read the entire review just to get a brief information about each on the list.

The location is there, the listicles from 1-5 are there, and the overall impression is there. 

Could you ask for more to pick your favorite restaurant?

How Often Should You Send Newsletters?

The number of newsletters you send out each month will primarily depend on your industry and the type of content you are sending. 

Generally speaking, it's a good idea to send out a newsletter at least once per month or even more frequently if you regularly publish content and have something new to share. 

For instance, the best practices suggest that the best time of day is typically between 7:00 and 7:00 am, when the majority of people check their emails either right away or on the way to work.

What is crucial to maintain consistency, is to test out various frequencies to see which ones are most effective for your business.

Why Should You Implement Newsletters In Your Marketing Strategy?

✔️Maintains customers' awareness — By sending out regular newsletters, businesses can keep their customers updated on the latest developments in their industry.

✔️Elevates interaction with customers — Building relationships with customers through consistent newsletter distribution can entice them to become more invested in your company.

✔️Increases sales growth — Promoting sales and discounts through newsletters is a great way to boost revenue.

✔️Drives more website traffic — Including clickable links to your website in your newsletters is a great way to encourage more people to visit your website.

✔️Enhances brand awareness — You can use newsletters as a marketing form to increase your company's exposure and interest in your brand.

✔️Increases ROI —Compared to other marketing channels, newsletters have a relatively low cost and high ROI potential.

Create Engaging Content For Newsletters Using TextCortex Add-on

There's no denying that the real problems only become apparent after the initial enthusiasm has worn off when looking at these top 5 examples of newsletters.

The same is true if you need to write a large number of customized newsletters in a short amount of time.

This is where using AI writing tools can be helpful.

We already scratched the surface with TextCortex in the beginning of this article. However, we decided to leave the “cherry on the top” for the end.

What is TextCortex add-on?

TextCortex add-on is a sophisticated AI-powered solution that can provide tremendous assistance when writing and rewriting your content for various purposes.

For instance, you can modify your content in the following ways using the Text Cortex plugin:

👍Rewrite sentences for clarity.

👍Expand sentences by adding more details.

👍Summarize long passages.

👍Use a better tone to communicate.

👍Turn random thoughts into sentences and paragraphs.

👍Create long-form blog posts from five-word prompts.

👍Create email templates from bullets.

👍Translate into 10+ languages to increase audience reach.

To use these functionalities, highlight the text you want to change and select the rewriting option.

On the other hand, you'll also require assistance with proofreading and readability metrics in order to determine whether the content is sufficiently readable.

👍Our "Text-to-speech" function reads your work aloud to find typos and other grammar and spelling errors.

👍Our Readability checker scores your text based on word count, reading time, and grade level.

After installing the TextCortex Chrome extension, you'll have 60+ AI templates to quickly create a variety of content types.

This feature can help you generate various emails (customer replies, generic emails, email subject lines, etc)..

Step 1: Open the TextCortex's creator suite to access templates by clicking on the logo (the platform window's right-bottom corner).

Step 2: Select an AI template from a drop-down menu, 

Step 3: Fill out the fields, and click "Create".

Bonus tip: Use shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+K) to call TextCortex's most common functions.

Obviously, TextCortex's usefulness does not end with these capabilities. Some of it, I'd like you to discover on your own.

For instance, did you know that TextCortex offers an alternative to ChatGPT, a feature known as "Zeno chat"?

Why Trust Us?

✔️No credit card required. 

✔️Freemium plan. 

✔️Affordable premium packages.

Get TextCortex Chrome extension for free and start exploring your favorite options today!

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