Translate from French to Portuguese with AI

Translate documents from French to Portuguese in a matter of seconds with TextCortex's translation tool. You can even translate with different formality options for formal situations.

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Key features of TextCortex's French to Portuguese Translator

Our machine translation produces accurate and fluent translation outputs instantly, including proper usage of accent marks, sentence structure, and grammar for French to Portuguese translations.

User friendly interface & PDF translations

TextCortex translator is very easy to use. Just type or paste text into the left text box, hit "Translate," and let TextCortex do its magic.

You can also upload PDF documents and translate them while maintaining majority of the formatting.

Questions?  Answers.

How many words can I translate at once?

You can translate up to 300 words with our translator tool without signing up. With a TextCortex account, you can translate up to 20,000 words at once.

How many languages does TextCortex's translator support?

Currently, TextCortex translator supports 28 languages and formal/informal variations of some of these languages.

How many languages does TextCortex's translator support?

How many languages does TextCortex's translator support?

Is TextCortex translator free to use?

Yes, TextCortex translator is free to use. You can access it without any cost and translate your text instantly. No signup required.

Check out what our users are saying

TextCortex is rating 4.9/5 with over 1500+ reviews online.

Popular Language Translations

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