Get ready for an unparalleled and engaging experience with the beta version of Google Bard - the AI chatbot that's here to revolutionize the way you interact with technology. Powered by the cutting-edge Language Model for Dialogue Application (LaMDA) with 137 billion parameters, Google Bard is trained on a plethora of text-based data, including web documents, books, Wikipedia, conversations, and GitHub codes.

In this article, we'll take a deep dive into Google Bard and also introduce you to some of its exciting alternatives.


  • Google Bard is an AI chatbot that generates output developed upon Google's own language model LaMDA with 137 billion parameters.
  • Google Bard can be used for purposes such as written content generation, research, and entertainment.
  • If you are looking for an AI chatbot that you can use instead of Google Bard, we have prepared a list for you - including such AI systems as TextCortex AI, Bing AI, Komo AI and many more.
  • One of the best AI chatbots that you can use as a Google Bard alternative is ZenoChat. It offers a fully-customizable AI experience and the most recent information across the internet.

Google Bard Overview

Google Bard is a unique AI chatbot that sets itself apart from the rest of the market. While its main goal is to provide users with a human-like conversation experience, it does not rely on the GPT-n series like most other chatbots. Instead, Bard uses the lightweight version of a language model called Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). This unique approach to language modelling allows Google Bard to stand out as a cutting-edge AI chatbot.

google bard alternatives

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard is an AI chatbot currently in beta, developed by Google. Although AI chatbots are still a technology in development, they have found a place in most business sectors and markets due to their potential and functionality. Google Bard is also an AI chatbot with various features.

Core Features

Google Bard strives to offer users an outstanding conversation experience through its advanced language models. By training with both conversations and written content, Google Bard can simulate human-like conversation. Moreover, Google Bard generates three different responses to each prompt, all of which are tailored to the user's input. It means that when users enter a question into Google Bard, they receive three drafts.

Google Bard suggests 3 related questions after generating an output. These questions work similarly to Google's "others want to know" algorithm. Google Bard breaks down users' inputs into search engine words.

google bard alternative

Google Bard has a tab called "Bard Activity" where you can access previous conversations. This feature is useful if you are using Google Bard to generate creative content such as poem and stories.

Google Bard has a voice command feature that detects users' voices and converts them to text prompts. If you want to use Google Bard in voice conversation format, you will find what you are looking for in Google Bard.

Pros & Cons

Like every other AI chatbot, Google Bard has pros and cons.


• It generates 3 different drafts for you to choose the one that fits you best

• It has Google's recent data when it comes to web search with "Google it" feature

• You can access previous conversations through the Bard Activity feature.

• Voice commands are available.

• It can understand & handle complex prompts

• It's getting better every day.


• Its outputs sometimes give misinformation.

• It sometimes omits key information.

• Users must verify the information provided by Google Bard.

Google Bard Use Cases

Since Google Bard is an AI chatbot, you can use it for different purposes. It is suitable for various purposes as it has access to Google's database. Let's take a look at a few use cases of Google Bard.

Writing Content

Google Bard's natural language training allows it to generate a wide range of written content, from poems and stories to articles, paragraphs, essays, emails, monologues, and descriptive writing. This versatility makes Google Bard a powerful tool for content creation, as it can generate high-quality written material quickly and efficiently.

Streamlining Research Process

In addition to its powerful content generation capabilities, Google Bard offers a unique "Google It" feature that allows users to quickly fact-check the accuracy of its outputs. This feature can help streamline the research process for a variety of tasks, from market analysis to academic research.


If you like to use AI chatbots for entertainment, you can have fun with Google Bard. Google Bard can generate or answer jokes, riddles, and dilemma questions. If you are wondering how an AI chatbot with an advanced language model will answer dilemma questions, you can use Google Bard.

how to use google bard?

Best Google Bard Alternatives

Although Google Bard provides a human-like conversation experience to users with its various features, it is not the best AI chatbot in the market. Let's examine AI chatbots that we can use as an alternative to Google Bard.


TextCortex is an AI assistant that you can use for different purposes with its various features. TextCortex is available as a web application and browser extension. It is integrated with 4000+ websites and has 60+ templates. Thus, TextCortex can always assist you in your internet adventure. Moreover, TextCortex can generate perfect outputs in 25+ languages.

Fully Customizable AI Experience

TextCortex comes with the customizable conversational AI, ZenoChat. ZenoChat works with our own language models, Sophos, Alta, and Velox, in addition to GPT-4 and GPT-3.5. Thus, it can meet the various needs of users from email writing to product description creation.

ZenoChat can have the personality users want with its customizable persona feature. Our development team added 11 different personas to ZenoChat. You can use one of these personas or create your own. You can also customize ZenoChat's data source with TextCortex's knowledge connectors feature.

Another powerful tool offered by TextCortex is the Zeno Assistant, which is designed to help users complete a variety of writing tasks quickly and efficiently. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or simply looking to improve your writing skills, the Zeno Assistant can help you achieve your goals.

Bing AI

Microsoft's Bing AI is an excellent option for those seeking an alternative AI tool to Google Bard. It offers a wide range of features, such as an AI chatbot and image generator, to meet the needs of its users. With its comprehensive set of tools and capabilities, Bing AI is sure to provide you with the best possible experience.

bing ai


ChatGPT is an AI chatbot powered by the GPT-3.5 language model. With a Plus subscription, you can upgrade to the more advanced GPT-4 language model for enhanced capabilities such as human-like conversation, written content creation, and code generation.

chatgpt alternative to google bard

Komo AI

Komo AI is an AI-driven search engine that aims to provide ad-free and quick searches to its users. Komo AI has three different search options; Chat, Explore and, Search.

komo ai

If you choose Komo AI's Chat option and type a prompt, you will get search engine results in a conversational format. Komo AI citate the websites from which it receives information to the search results, so you can check the accuracy of the information.


Chatsonic is an AI chatbot developed and released by Writesonic. With Chatsonic, you can access the latest Google data, experience human-like conversation, and even get digital artwork. Chatsonic allows voice command input, so you can have voice communication with it and get a more realistic chat experience.

google bard alternative: Chatsonic

Bonus: CatGPT

CatGPT is an AI chatbot designed for users who want to escape from the pressure of everyday life and see funny cat GIFs. CatGPT only responds to users' prompts with meows. CatGPT only has cat GIFs and knowledge up to summer 2021.


If you're looking for a cat-themed AI chatbot that just meows, we recommend giving CatGPT a try.